Developing a solid content strategy requires a proper strategic mindset. This mindset must be able to see from the top down while also understanding the connecting tissue across critical stakeholders. Strategy is my superpower.
- Your content team works as a shared service taking orders from various stakeholders across the organization.
- Your content team is mainly creating one thing at a time vs. creating a content program that is interconnected strategically.
- Doing a content audit sounds daunting and has never been done.
- Each marketing department has a different definition of success for their teams, thus, no connected strategy.
The operations arm of content includes all of your processes and workflows for content ideation, creation, distribution, and promotion. None of your processes or workflows are actually documented.
- Content development is taking too much time, and you need to tighten up your SLAs.
- Lack of archiving content proactively means creating more of the same over and over.
- Integrating AI is necessary, but not cohesive across your organization.